Tuesday, March 28, 2017

March 28, 2017

The World Record Skylake Overclock 7GHz

          If you thought the Intel Core i7 6700K was a beefy CPU with its maximum turbo frequency of 4.2GHz, wait until you see the numbers that extreme overclockers are getting out of it.
The highest freqeuncy for this particular CPU is held by Hong Kong's Chi-Kui Lam, who managed to squeeze 7025.66MHz out of the Skylake. To do so, he used a lot of skill, and a whole lot of cooling: -321 degrees Fahrenheit's worth of liquid nitrogen to be precise. For the rest of the build he used an ASRock Z170 motherboard, 4GB of G.Skill DDR4 RAM, a 256GB Plextor hard drive with Windows XP Professional installed, and a 1,300W Antec power supply.

A couple of German overclockers, Der8auer and Dancop, came pretty close to that record recently using an Asus Maximus VIII Gene motherboard. They also impressively managed to increase the speed to over 7GHz, but fell just short of the record at 7007.85MHz, securing second place in the current rankings. This is the fastest speed for that specific motherboard and CPU combination however. Dancop also has a number of overclocking world records under his belt.
These are all readily available components; all you need to join in is some serious cooling hardware. Admittedly pouring liquid nitrogen into your PC on a regular basis isn't the most practical way to PC game, but someone's got to do it, right?
March 28, 2017

Spesifikasi Lengkap Asus ROG GX800


          Asus baru saja memperkenalkan laptop gaming terbaru untuk pasar Indonesia. Hadir dengan spesifikasi yang mumpuni, Asus ROG GX800 dibanderol dengan harga yang terbilang cukup fantastis, yakni Rp 95.499.000.
Lantas, seperti apa spesifikasi laptop tersebut? Menurut Country Product Manager Notebook Asus Indonesia Veronica Erwin, notebook ini tak sekadar didukung sistemwatercooling terpisah, tapi juga kemampuan overclocking.

"Dengan memakai notebook ini, gamer yang suka melakukan overclock dapat melakukannya dengan mudah. Apalagi kebanyakan dari mereka lebih suka menggunakan PC desktop," tuturnya saat ditemui di sela-sela peluncuran Asus ROG GX800 di Jakarta, Rabu (22/3/2017) kemarin.

Kemampuan overclocking perangkat ini tak sebatas pada kinerja, tapi juga berlaku pada unit grafis. Untuk kinerja, notebook ini sanggup di-overclock hingga 4,6GHz. Sementara untuk kartu grafisnya mencapai 1961MHz.

Video RAM (VRAM) dan Dinamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) dapat ditingkatkan pula sampai 5,2GHz dan 2.800MHz melalui Asus Gaming Center. Clock speed yang lebih tinggi membuat kinerja notebook penerus ROG GX700 ini lebih gegas untuk melakukan beragam keperluan.
Memiliki bentang layar 18,4 inci beresolusi 4K dilengkapi G-Sync, Asus menyertakan dua buah adapter untuk memaksimalkan kinerjanya. Perusahaan asal Taiwan itu juga menyertakan RGB backlit keyboard pada notebook yang sudah menjalankan Windows 10 ini.

Asus ROG GX800 memiliki memori RAM 64GB DDR4 2.800MHz yang juga dapat di-overlock. Ada tiga SSD berukuran 512GB berfitur Non Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) yang menjanjikan peningkatan performa write and read.

Notebook ini juga dipastikan sudah mendukung kemampuan memainkan konten gim Virtual Reality (VR). Pengguna cukup menyambungkan layar dengan dua monitor 4K menggunakan Display Port 1.3 atau langsung dapat menghubungkannya dengan satu layar beresolusi 8K.

Selain dibekali Intel Core i7-7820HK dan NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 SLI, notebook ini diharapkan dapat terjual setidaknya 30 unit pada tahun ini. Bagi kamu yang tertarik,notebook ini sudah tersedia di pasar Tanah Air dan dapat ditemukan di beberapa rekanan Asus termasuk ROG Store.

Sumber : Liputan6.com
March 28, 2017

Rekomendasi Laptop Gaming Murah

          Sedang mencari laptop gaming murah? Dan budget kamu hanya Rp 6 juta, terus bingung mau cari laptop gaming murah merk apa. Nah gue punya referensi nih buat kalian budget gamer yang mau beli laptop dengan fungsi bukan cuma buat ngerjain tugas doang. Tapi juga bisa untuk main game, yuk langsung aja kita lokit gengs :D
HP 14-AC139TX
          Salah satu laptop terbaik dengan budget Rp5 jutaan ini, merk laptop HP sudah ga usah diragukan lagi deh gengs. Laptop ini dibekali dengan CPU Intel Core i3 5005U berkecepatan 2.0 Ghz. Doi dibekali dengan GPU yang mumpuni gengs yaitu AMD Radeon R5 M330 2GB. Dengan RAM sebesar 4GB, sayang layar laptop ini masih 14″ jadi agak kurang nyaman saat bermain game.
Harga laptop gaming murah ini Rp 5.950.000
Asus A455LB-WX001D

          Laptop gaming ke_2 yang akan kita bahas adalah keluaran Asus. Kita tau lah ya, Asus adalah salah satu brand terkenal di kalangan gamer. Laptop gaming Rp5 jutaan kepunyaan Asus ini sangat murah tapi ga murahan gengs :D
Di dapur pacu laptop ini dibekali dengan Intel Core i3 5010U dengan kecepatan 2.1 Ghz. Dan grafis card laptop ini menggunakan VGA Nvidia Geforce GT940 2GB gengs, dengan RAM sebesar 4GB cukup banget untuk main game sekarang :D
Harga laptop gaming murah ini Rp 5.999.000
Lenovo S410-1848

          Satu-satunya Laptop dengan harga 5 jutaan, dengan Core i5 ya cuma ini. Lenovo S410 adalah satu-satunya laptop dengan harga 5 jutaan yang dibekali dengan intel i5 4210U dengan Core speed 1.7 Ghz dan di bekali dengan VGA AMD Radeon R5 M230 2GB ini mumpuni untuk bermain game-game masa kini :D
Tapi doi hanya punya RAM 2GB gengs, jadi lo harus nambah 2GB lagi baru bisa nyaman maen gamenya :D
Harga laptop gaming murah ini Rp 5.750.000
HP Pavilion Zeus 2 15-P231AX

          Laptop gaming selanjutnya juga dari merk HP, hargata emang lebih murah dari yang di atas, tapi performanya ga kalah loh. Dapur pacu laptop ini memakai AMD A10 7300 dengan speed 1.9 – 3.2 GHz. VGA di laptop ini sedikit lebih baik di banding HP 14 masih tetap memakai AMD HP pavilion Zeuz 2 mempunyai VGA AMD Radeon R7 M260 2GB :D
Memori RAM sebesar 4GB dan HDD sebesar 1TB. Layar dari Laptop Gaming ini sudah 15.6 inch gengs, jadi pasti nyaman deh lama-lama main di laptop ini :D
Harga laptop gaming murah ini Rp 5.800.000
Acer Aspire E5-551

          Laptop gaming dari Acer ini bisa dibilang bagus gengs.Desain simple dari Acer sangat melekat di laptop ini. Laptop ini memakai AMD A10 sebagai dapur pacunya, dengan kecepatan 1.9 – 3.2 GHz. AMD Radeon R7 M265 menjadi andalan laptop ini untuk segi grafis nya :D
RAM 4GB DDR3 dan layar 15 Inch laptop ini sangat recomended buat teman bermain game kamu. tapi sayang penyimpanan atau HDD laptop ini hanya 500GB.
Harga laptop gaming murah ini Rp 5.700.000
Sumber : Dagelan.co
March 28, 2017

Acer Predator 21X Dijual Seharga Mobil


           Acer sudah memamerkan laptop gaming "monster"Predator 21X di ajang IFA, Berlin, Jerman, tahun 2016 lalu. Kala itu, Acer masih bungkam perihal harga dari laptop berspesifikasi super tinggi tersebut.
Kini, bersamaan dengan ajang Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2017 di Las Vegas, AS, Acer pun membeberkan harga dari Predator 21X. Harganya ternyata benar-benar tinggi bahkan setara mobil.
Perusahaan asal Taiwan itu membanderol Predator 21X dengan harga 9.000 dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 121 juta.
Apa saja yang bisa didapatkan pembeli dengan harga semahal itu? Acer Predator 21X menawarkan layar IPS lengkung berbentang 21 inci yang mendukung resolusi 2.560 x 1.080. Acer mengklaim, laptop tersebut sebagai yang pertama mengusung layar lengkung.
Menariknya lagi, di bagian bawah layar, Predator 21X dibekali dengan sensor eye tracking bikinan Tobii. Teknologi tersebut memungkinkan suatu perintah dalam game yang bisa dikontrol dengan gerakan mata.
Acer Predator 21X, sebagaimana KompasTekno rangkum dari The Verge, Rabu (4/1/2017), dibekali spesifikasi "monster". Sebagai contoh, hadir dua unit kartu grafis GeForce GTX 1080 bikinan Nvidia, sebuah prosesor Intel Core i7-7820HK, RAM hingga 64 GB DDR4-2400, dan mendukung hingga empat SSD dengan masing-masing kapasitas 512 GB.
Konfigurasi itu membuat tubuh Predator 21X begitu bongsor. Bobotnya saja mencapai 8 kg.
Tentu saja, dengan spesifikasi yang diusungnya, membuat perangkat bisa cepat panas. Oleh karena itu, Acer melengkapi produk ini dengan lima kipas dan delapan pipa penyerap panas. Tiga dari lima kipas tersebut adalah jenis metal aeroblade.
Berminat? Acer sendiri sudah pernah menyatakan bakal memboyong dan menjual Predator 21X di Indonesia. Meski begitu, belum diketahui harga jual perangkat ini di Indonesia nantinya. Yang pasti, setidaknya Anda bisa mengambil ancang-ancang dengan menyiapkan dana sebesar harga global tersebut.

March 28, 2017

Best FPS Gaming Mouse

At last year’s CES 2016 tech show in Las Vegas, many fascinating gaming mice were presented by the various gaming peripheral manufacturers. These mice are not on the market yet, but they will be later this year. We have made a list of the best FPS gaming mice 2017.
See also the complete list of Best-Selling Gaming Mice of 2017.
We’ve been keeping an eye on the gaming mouse market for a while to find the best FPS gaming mouse of 2017. Below you will find the best FPS gaming mice on the market right now. The list will be regularly updated as new fps mice enter the market from all the well-known brands.

1. Logitech G900

Skærmbillede 2016-03-29 kl. 15.41.12 (1)
[Score: 10/10] The Logitech G900 Chaos Spectrum is ideal for eSports gamers just because Logitech puts great effort to make it a truly professional gaming mouse that can be wireless or wired. Performance wise, it is one of the fastest gaming mice gamers will ever use. The speed and responsiveness of the mouse are due to the Pixert PMW3366 optical sensor. This sensor is one of the industry’s finest because of the exceptional tracking accuracy, which is considered to be one of the best gaming mouse sensors. At 200-12,000 DPI, there is zero smoothing or filtering, and tuck makes the mouse responsive and enables control at any speed.
As always, I’m testing the mice with CS:GO games, and I have to say that Logitech did it again! If you want my personal opinion, the Logitech is so far the best wireless gaming mouse of 2016 for FPS games. It has amazing feel and is very responsive.  I really like the scroll wheel with this whole alike design, which is actually a weight reduction measure. One last thing about the scroll wheel is that it finally has a left and right scroll-click besides the regular middle click, which is a rare sight in this segment. It wasn’t useful while I tested it on CS:GO and Day Of Defeat, but certainly in productivity.. Read full review

2. Zowie FK2

Zowie FK2
[Score: 9.7/10] This is not the best looking gaming mouse on the market, but the Zowie FK2 with the amazing Avago 3310 sensor is one of the best gaming mice for FPS. The new Zowie features improved button latency, which is one of the main reasons many people are purchasing it. The company behind Zowie, BenQ, says that it’s between 10-20ms faster than its predecessor. I would say that this is definitely a good purchase if you’re trying to rank up in CS:GO… Full review available soon

3. Corsair Vengeance M65

Corsair Vengeance M65 FPS Gaming Mouse Review
[Score: 9.5/10Corsair is known for producing some of the greatest FPS gaming mice that gamers have fallen in love with over the years. In simple words, Corsair has set a standard in the world of gaming. One of the latest products that we will be reviewing today is the Corsair Vengeance M65 FPS gaming mouse. This mouse is made for ultimate performance and it does exactly what it is built for. This mouse is designed for the FPS (First Person Shooting) games from each and every aspect.
FPS games are the fastest types of games and one has to be as fast as possible, both mentally and in terms of hardware, while playing an FPS game. Well, making someone’s mind faster is not possible, but their actions could be done a lot faster by using the proper hardware and peripherals. Corsair Vengeance M65 is the best option for improving your aiming and movements in an FPS game.. Read full review

4. Logitech G502 Proteus Core

Logitech G502 Proteus Core
[Score: 9.2/10] Logitech is one of the top brands that has pleased gamers across the globe with some of the best gaming mice with optical or laser sensors. Every Logitech mouse that is labeled as an FPS gaming mouse has something unusual/unique for gamers. And, Logitech G502 Proteus Core gaming mouse is unique per design and comfort. It has a moderate size with enough room for the gamers who want a mouse with a good palm grip and claw grip.
All 11 buttons are cleverly arranged on this mouse so that a gamer can easily use them. These buttons include a left click button, a right click button, a scroll wheel with clickable functions in three directions, two DPI buttons, three buttons are on thumb size, and two are below the scroll. The button just below the scroll wheel can be used to fine-tune the mouse’s friction, and this button is not programmable. The scroll wheel is super-fast with free scrolling and click-to-click responsiveness features. It is solid enough to make you feel that an action is actually performed when you click it in any of the supported directions.. Read full review

5. Razer DeathAdder Chroma

Razer DeathAdder Gaming Mouse Review
[Score: 8.9/10The Razer DeathAdder Chroma gaming mouse is winning rave reviews from many pro gamers. This gaming mouse has a 6400 DPI 4G optical sensor, which enables accurate tracking with zero interpolation. It is the highest native DPI optical sensor available on any gaming mouse today. This ensures mouse movements of up to 200 inches per second and 50g acceleration.
This Razer DeathAdder Chroma is one of the best computer mice for FPS gaming and scores well when it comes to its ergonomic design. You will fall in love with its contours and curves. Many users have praised its iconic right-handed intuitive ergonomic design. Its rubber side grips give you excellent control over the device; it sits snugly under your palm. Its matte black finish prevents sweat buildup, ensuring excellent grip. You can also control it with a claw grip. You feel very comfortable using this mouse. The mouse has bright green lighting on its scroll wheel and logo.. Read full review

6. Logitech G402

Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury FPS Gaming Mouse Review
[Score: 8.6/10While starters want a gaming mouse in which they can easily differentiate buttons to perform actions, the Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury FPS is not perfect at this level. For example, backward and forward buttons look identical without many differences, and this is the reason sometimes it is hard to identify which button has to be pressed. However, this will be the issue only when you switch to this mouse. Once you have used it for a few days, this problem should not be on your list.
After all, what matters more when picking up the best FPS gaming mouse is the speed, ease of changing DPI, high DPI, more buttons, and programming features that lets you program different buttons on the mouse as per your ease. One more thing that matters for a gamer is profiled memory within the mouse so that you can take it anywhere and use your favorite settings done with mouse buttons. With these aspects, Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury stands in a good positio


